60m activity

From 13 February 2020, Amateurs in all French territories now have access to the new WRC-15 60 m Secondary Allocation. It represents as always the range of 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz at a maximum power of 15 W EIRP. That’s not much but at least we have access to a new band and a new groundplay for DX’ers.

After almost 2 years without radio activity from my home-QTH, I finally decided to set-up an antenna and plug all radio equipment to show-up on 60m while I’m at home due to COVID19. As non-permanent antenna, I put a simple GP 1/4 wake made with a Spiderbeam mast and 4 radials. Of course it can be improved with a better radials groundplan but that’s enough for now.

I started on FT8 rather than on CW due to the lack of activity. Of course, I keep an eye on the waterfall and QSY as soon as I see CW signals but that’s not very often.

In less than a week, I made 70 countries including all continents very easily. I have been surprised to work easily many DX stations in Asia, Pacific. Of course, it counts for nothing as DXCC does not yet include 60m QSO but with some of my local friends, we have a challenge to work as many DX as possible.

With so many months off the air, I can easily say that I’m having a lot of fun right now like several years ago when I started DX’ing on 80 or 160m.

Next step is to reach 100 DX countries and then, after homework (building the top floor of the house), I will think seriously about re-installing the tower and all antennas. I’m seriously in lack of DX and expeditions of course !

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