
Enjoying the meal between 2 multis !

Saturday, 1200z:

Up to now things are going well even if we meet a problem with the 3els 40m yagi. We have a high SWR almost since the contest beginning. Ice ? Too dark to check ! Hopefully we have spare antenna but less effective ! 4sq 80m does a great job. That’s not the best tool to hit EU receivers but at least we can isolate time to time signals due to its directivity.



The author F5CWU

20120211-204407.jpgUpdate Saturday 2000z:

This afternoon we fixed the problem that occurs on the 40m yagi since months. The antenna has been repaired and feed line inspected. 10m has been less interesting than expected but we finally made some contacts this morning. It was amazing to see the signal level of Chineese or Australian stations compared to the weaks signs of the EU stations.



Sunday morning:

At the moment we are running on 40m with huge queue ! We missed many qso’s last night !


Frank F5MYK


The kitchen….oups half part of the shack

F4ERS with part of the antennas in the background

 CallSign Used : F4ERS
Operator(s) : F4ERS F5CWU F5MYK F4EGD
Operator Category : MULTI-TWO ALL HIGH

Band    QSOs      Pts     WPX
3.5          591       2494     230
7             826       3866     234
14           925       2297     241
21           789       2081     232
28           181         526       34
Total     3312     11264     971

Score : 10.937.344

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